Friday, November 13, 2015

Senate Approves Funds For Air National Guard

BANGOR, Maine -- Senator Angus King visited the Air National Guard's Fire and Rescue Station in Bangor, just days after the Senate approved two bills that would provide millions of dollars in upgrades to the facility. Senator King worked to secure authorization for the $7.2 million in federal funding as part of the National Defense Authorization Act.

"It's important to feel like, every now and then, you can, maybe if you poke people hard enough, things will happen and this was one of them. Pretty frustrating in Washington every now and then, as you may have heard, but in this case, we were able to make something important happen for this region," said Senator King.

The funding will be used to expand and renovate the building, improving energy efficiency and replacing the HVAC system to improve air quality. This project has been in the works for five years. "When you have more manpower, and more equipment, you need more space. It's very exciting that this is finally coming to us, and we're able to start on the project," said Brenda Jordan, the Mission Support Group Commander.

President Barack Obama is expected to sign the National Defense Authorization Act into law soon. If approved, renovations are expected to start next fall and take 18 months to complete.

Kayla Binette

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