Sunday, November 29, 2015

Dozens Open Up homes for Marines in the East on Thanksgiving

Dozens of people opened their homes to Camp Lejeune marines Thursday for Thanksgiving.
More than 30 people in the Fairfield Harbour community all spend their holiday with the 110 marines that arrived just after noon.
Once they get off the bus, the marines are split up among the residents and taken to their homes for food and fellowship. Some people host 2 marines while others host as many as 8.

Bruce Shattuck says this event started nine years ago when he and his wife invited a small group of marines to their house just to show their thanks. Now, he says residents sign-up as early as August to host the men and women who serve our country.
Joshua Laduke is a marine who spent Thanksgiving with Shattuck and his wife 2 years ago and this year he came back for more of their good food and generosity.
"It's just one small way of saying thank you. We can't do enough for these guys. They protect us and the least we can do is give them a home-cooked meal," Shattuck said.
Shattuck and his wife hosted 7 marines Thursday.

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