Friday, November 13, 2015


 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Crowe 

Army veterans, Mr. & Mrs, Crowe have been married for 42 years! The couple were excited to tell me about how they met in San Francisco as young soldiers and traveled around the world.

What struck me the most about this beautiful couple was the special bond they share and how they are appreciative of one another. I asked Mrs. Crowe a question while Mr. Crowe was away from the table getting his food and asked Mr. Crowe same question when he returned. Guess what? I got the SAME answer from both of them! How sweet :)

Below was our conversation:

SHOLA: Mrs. Crow, can you tell me how the military has impacted your life?

MRS. CROWE: I met my husband in San Francisco
(She went into details)

Shortly after, Mr. Crowe returned with his plate. I asked him about seven questions (to be featured in our Veteran of the Month" series) and asked him the last question on my list.

SHOLA: Mr. Crowe, how has the military impacted your life?

MR. CROWE: I met my wife.

Mrs. Crowe cuts in with big smile on her face " I told you!" "I told her the same thing while you were not here."

We all laughed and had our camera moments. Mr. Crowe asked his wife to sit on his laps for the photos :)

MR, CROWE: We've had verbal fights but never hitting. I have never hit her in 42 years. I was raised to believe never to hit a lady.

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