Friday, November 13, 2015

Military Couple Gets Their Dream Wedding With Zero Cost to Them

SOUTHPORT, N.C.An Army staff sergeant and his bride had their dream wedding with no cost to them on Veterans Day thanks to the organization Operation Marry Me Military.

Army Staff Sergeant Stuart Moore has been in the military for six years and he has earned countless accommodations and medals but he said one of the biggest moments of his life is marrying his girlfriend Courtney and that's exactly what he did Wednesday with the help of the Brunswick County community.

Moore said he met Courtney while he was stationed in Fayetteville. They had been dating for eight months.

"I said let's go to the Japanese steak house and we have been on one long first date ever since," said Moore.

From the first date to the first steps down the aisle, it was a journey made possible by Operation Marry Me Military.

Click here for more about Operation Marry Me Military

Wendy Hilliard, Brunswick County Operation Marry Me Military director, said their organization puts together weddings for servicemen and women using donated services.

"I'm a wedding planner so we have donated all of our services," said Hilliard.

Hilliard said a number of Southport and surrounding area businesses and individuals donated their time and services to make this wedding happen.

"Everything for a typical wedding from the food to the music, to the flowers, to this venue, everything is donated," said Hilliard.

The services totaled more than $40,000. Alecia Davis-Geddings, Operation Marry Me Military founder, said that is a small price when you compare it to military service.

"What Operation Marry Me Military is able to give them, it does not compare to what they give us," said Davis-Geddings.

Artist Missy Ronquillo said she understands that all too well. She donated her time and talent to live paint the ceremony.

"I grew up in a military family, and my dad is a veteran and I just felt like it was a wonderful way give to back," said Ronquillo. "I just can't think of a better way to spend a Veterans Day."

For Moore, his wedding day is made even more meaningful because it's Veterans Day.

"My father and mother are veterans. All the way back nine generations, we've served, we've had people that have lost their lives in service so the roots really run deep," said Moore.

Roots that have made a man the new Mrs. Moore can be proud of.

"Stuart is everything I've ever wanted that I didn't know I wanted," said Courtney Moore. "He's really supportive, and everything that I do he is right next me."

The newlyweds said they appreciate everyone who donated and are thankful.

Military members are encouraged to apply for a wedding through Operation Marry Me Military. Davis-Geddings said they have less military members applying because they think won't get it or they don't deserve it.

(WTVD) --

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