Saturday, January 2, 2016

Things Every Sailor Needs to Know for 2016

The Navy plans to deliver on many long-awaited changes, from new fitness suits to deploying a carrier powered by bio-fuels. Here, Damage Controlman Fireman Austin Hunter mans the rails during a Nov. 23 homecoming aboard the carrier Theodore Roosevelt.(Photo: MC3 Stephane Belcher/Navy)

The year 2016 is set for heady news events and long-awaited changes, ranging from patrols of contested waters and better armed littoral combat ships to a new physical fitness regime and the introduction of highly anticipated uniforms.

Women will begin preparing to join the storied SEAL teams. The fleet will grow with 11 new ships. A strike group will sail to promote bio-fuels.

Also look for changes to Tricare and the roll-out of the new retirement system that takes effect in 2018.

What you need to know:

Energy efficiency
Keeping Hornets in the air
Missile testing
PRT under review
Enlisted women on submarines
Advancement changes
All-male units open to women
More reasons to ship over 
Presence in Asia 
Early outs 
New ships
Uniform changes 
Fitness policies
Rewarding PT studs
Homeport shifts

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